How to Get Involved

Contact Rhonda L. Jennings, Secretary at 412-231-1258 or by email at The churches meet four times a year to determine health projects and report back attendance, health observances, resources, referrals made, program outcomes as well as reporting any concerns that the church health team may have encountered. The collaborative has sponsored a Resource Fair and Minority Family Symposium. All are welcome!

To support community churches in their efforts to bring awareness, education, and health information to community members, in partnership with the Highmark Foundation, we are pleased to announce the Faith-Based Health Collaborative Mini-Grants.

Review and download the application for details on how to apply.

FBHC Health & Wellness Application

Please review and download the application for details on how to apply.

FBHC Mini-Grant Survey

We’re interested in your feedback. Please complete our survey to help us learn how the Faith-Based Collaborative can best meet the needs of the church community.

FBHC Mini-Grant Score Card